Sony experia bond App



Launch the new Sony Xperia ion smart phone to coincide with the release of the new Bond Movie - Skyfall. The idea was to promote the features of the phone via an app that enticed users to sound like James Bond.


‘Say It Like Bond’ activity

An activation was set up in Mall of the Emirates for a week, where shoppers were encouraged to register themselves and use our pre-installed Android app on Sony Xperia ion to seamlessly guide them through the challenge. All they had to do was to say, ‘The name is Bond, James Bond’ into the phone, in their best Bond voice. The app took care of the rest, by using some of the most advanced Android audio libraries and custom algorithms to match users’ voice to that of James Bond.

Based on the extent of the voice match, the app assigned a percentage score to each user. A voice matching 90% or above, triggered a mechanical arm powered by Arduino technology, that started and unlocked an Aston Martin parked at the stand.

We also created a leader board that showed the top ranking names. 2095 people experienced the magic of the new Sony Xperia ion. 42 people managed to unlock the car. The outcome was an impressive increase in sales of Xperia ion.


  • Custom Animation Class
  • Advanced Audio Libraries
  • Dynamic voice to text conversion
  • Backend integration with leader board
  • Custom Electromechanical device integration for remote car ignition